Monday, June 30, 2008

Addition Part II

I spent my whole vacation (minus the camping part) working on the addition. A couple teens and I excavated for a full crawl space and frost footing. I then spent several days placing my forms and rebar. The specification I am building to allows me to place my footings on "undisturbed soil" which means I had to very careful not to dig too deep.

As you can see I am finally placing concrete.

I dug the hole by hand and I mixed and placed the concrete by hand.

Here I am about to screed (level) a load that I just placed. This went on for several hours, but now (44 eighty pound bags later) the footings are placed. Now I need to let them cure for about 3 days and then get back to it.

1 comment:

mama said...

That stuff was heavy! That was fun.